Tuesday 4 August 2015


Shelling out of Ideas

Last week’s activity was to brainstorm on a design specifically heavily influenced by snails. Groups were formed by Ms.Tan Ai Khim, our lecturer for the class, before we all settled into our places.
What we're briefed about
Ms.Tan Ai Khim gave all of us students a brief description of what we were supposed to do 
and to accomplish within the time allotted.
Research going on

As one big group, we all shared and discussed the idea that each of us had in mind.
We also used our smart phones to rummage through the internet for references and possible inspirations for our design.
Sharing of ideas

After each one of us has done their part of coming up with designs, this is when the “shelling of ideas” or the brainstorming begins.

We went through our list of ideas and decided on which one we found to be the most interesting and visually appealing.

To my right

I had quick look around the room. All teams were very engaged in the project.
To my left

Towards my left, I can see the adjacent group’s leader building on others’ idea and making sure all the members are contributing.
Mind mapping time
When we were finally done free-associating, we created a mindmap to further develop the 
chosen idea for the project.
After we have all agreed on and were satisfied with the design, the time to draw the concept
came afterwards.
Final product

Our product was a portable phone charger that comes with a speaker and a flashlight. We worked on this concept until the end of the class.

Waiting for the class to end
With a few minutes left before the end of the class, the lecturer informed us on what we need to do the following week. We are expected to present our concept during the next meeting. After we were done with the concept art, classes have ended. We made final adjustments while we packed up and prepared to leave the room.

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