Saturday 19 September 2015

Paper Tower Challenge

 Our team is tasked to build a structure as high as possible using only paper in 45 minutes time, (15 minutes of brainstorming and 30 mins of building)

The challenge is that we are not allowed to use adhesive, bluetacs, stickers or alike and the fact that we must ensure our structure is stable.

Group are as usual; 4 people are randomly put into a group. (I get to know more about people in my class, which is great.)

This is the limited amount of paper we are given, 10 pieces. Because of limited resources, we cannot afford to experiment as much as we can, but to put more effort into strategic planning.

This is when the brainstorming starts.
All of us think pretty alike, we thought about the techniques we learnt from our 3D fundamental classes, specifically, the cardboard slotting technique.

Though, it took us a while to understand each other idea as a member in our group isn't familiar with English, as she is from China. I, being the only Chinese speaking member other than her, acted as a "mediator", and translated any English words said that she didn't understand.

Other than that, the discussion went smoothly.

Without further ado, we moved to working on the structure.

Measured, and then cutting a slit

Iszuan has a different method of approaching the slotting technique, so we watched him make the prototype to see if it works.

Unfortunately, the slit he has cut is way too big. As a result it was way too loose.

The prototype was deemed a failure.

Sadly, we can not try making it again as limited paper prevents us to.

Folding it

The end result of it

We moved on to another idea that we had.

A stable base that is easily made just by folding the paper nicely, and then making a small lock to interlock both sides of paper.


We made another to slot it into the base.

The slotting is successful as the structure is firm and stable.


End result of our structure
Next, we made a cylinder shaped paper by rolling it.
The same techniques were used, interlocking both sides together then slotted onto the last base.

Once, that was stable, we placed a cone onto the cylinder to maximize our structure height.

And that was last of our resources, therefore we are finally done with it!

I like how it resembles the Statue of Liberty.

Other group works

Looks like poker cards or cups stacking. It must be really stable.

I like how this one looks! It resembles a cocktail. They called it the 'Lemon juice king on the ground'.

I like how this resembles a giant plant sprouting from a small plant pot. Maybe a gigantic beanstalk?


This week lesson was enjoyable. I got to know a little more about my classmates and different techniques and methods to make a structure.

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